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How to Deal with Severely Blocked Drain

How to Deal with Severely Blocked Drain

Dealing with a severely blocked drain can be a daunting task for any homeowner. Blocked drains are not only a nuisance but can also lead to significant plumbing issues if not addressed promptly and effectively. Whether it’s in your kitchen, bathroom, or sewer line, understanding how to tackle a severe blockage is crucial. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to handle severely blocked drains and when to call in the professionals.

Identify the Severity of the Blockage

The first step in tackling a severely blocked drain is to determine the extent of the blockage. Signs of a severe block include slow draining, bad odours, gurgling sounds, and water backup. If multiple fixtures are affected, the blockage might be in the main sewer line, which requires immediate attention.

Try Manual Removal

Tools Needed: Gloves, plunger, plumber’s snake.


  1. Use a Plunger: Start with a plunger, which can often dislodge minor blockages near the drain’s surface. This can be effective for toilets and sink drains.
  2. Employ a Plumber’s Snake: For deeper blockages, a plumber’s snake or drain auger can be used to break through the clog. Insert the snake into the drain and turn it until you feel resistance, then push and twist to break apart the blockage.

Apply Natural Solutions

Baking Soda and Vinegar:

  1. Pour a pot of boiling water down the drain.
  2. Follow with a cup of baking soda and an equal amount of vinegar.
  3. Cover the drain to contain the reaction below the surface, allowing it to break down the grease or grime causing the blockage.
  4. After about an hour, flush the drain with another pot of boiling water to clear out the debris.

Consider Chemical Drain Cleaners

Caution: Use as a last resort due to potential pipe damage.

  • Choose a drain cleaner suitable for the type of plumbing in your home and follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully. Be aware that chemical cleaners can corrode older pipes and are harmful to the environment.

Utilise Advanced Techniques

Hydro Jetting: This method uses high-pressure water to clear blockages and clean the insides of the plumbing pipes. It is particularly effective for severe and recurrent blockages but should be performed by professionals.

CCTV Drain Surveys: If the blockage recurs frequently, a CCTV drain survey can help determine the underlying cause, such as pipe misalignment, tree root intrusion, or broken pipes.

Know When to Call a Professional

Professional Help: If the above methods fail or the situation worsens, it’s time to call a professional plumber. Professionals have the tools and expertise to diagnose and effectively resolve severe blockages without risking further damage to your plumbing system.

Find a plumber near you today. A licensed professional can help you unblock a drain without you having the need to lift a finger. Find a trusted plumber today. Check our blog: How to Find Plumber in Melbourne.

Prevent Future Blockages

Regular Maintenance: Prevent future blockages by avoiding the disposal of grease, coffee grounds, and non-compostable items down the drain. Use sink strainers to catch food particles and hair, and clean them regularly.

Professional Inspection: Schedule annual inspections with a plumber to keep your drains clean and free of obstructions.


Dealing with a severely blocked drain can be stressful, but with the right approach, you can restore your plumbing system’s functionality and prevent future issues. Start with simple manual methods and natural cleaners before moving on to more intensive solutions or calling in the experts. Regular maintenance and professional inspections are key to keeping your drains flowing smoothly.

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